High School and Day School Rates
$75 – Registration & Orientation Fee (One-time only)
$200 – Materials Fee (Yearly)
$1200 – Tuition (Monthly)
Accredited Courses – Math/English/Social Studies/Spanish/Science
$40 per hour
Diagnostic Teaching – Reading/Writing/Math
$50 per hour
One-on-One Tutoring
$40 per hour (Pre-college level, at Desert Willow)
$50 per hour (College level, at Desert Willow)
$60 per hour (Any level, offsite)
SAT Preparation
$40 per hour (One-on-one instruction)
$100 – Reading and math evaluations (additional $75 enrollment fee for new students)
$50 – Written evaluation report
$50 – Woodcock-Johnson achievement battery administration & report
Private Consultations
$50 – Non-clients
$40 – Clients / enrolled students