We offer a healthy, radically effective, doctor-mediated weight-loss treatment supported by safe medication that helps the body rapidly burn abnormal fat stores. Amazing results are typical with just 26 days of supervised treatment. Our patients commonly lose 1/2 to 1 pound for each day of treatment. Additionally, the treatment results in metabolic reconditioning allowing them to keep the weight off.

About Weight Loss at Desert Willow Holistic

Our weight loss program is really a Metabolic Reprograming Technique able to change the very nature of the way your body deals with food and biochemical processes. It is based on the work of Dr. Simeon, who discovered that obesity is a medical condition and requires a medical intervention. He championed this technique and perfected it over decades, working in a very meticulous medical design within a hospital setting.

Our patients routinely lose from 1/2 to 1 pound a day of stored fat in the body (and not from any structural areas, muscle, or water stores). This results in a dramatic change in the shape of the body and in the overall health of the person doing the program.

Our hCG Program:

  • Pretreatment — a complete medical evaluation to determine the best course of action for each person
  • Human Chorionic Gonadatrophin (hCG) as a daily (painless) injection for 23-40 days
  • A very rigorous lower calorie food intake during the injection cycle
  • A three-week period of eating anything except carbs or sugar
  • A maintainence program which takes into consideration your metabolic type, your blood type, your digestive system health and your allergic tendencies

Progress is monitored daily, and weekly doctor visits ensure success. The hCG allows the body to access stored fat and liberate sufficient nutrients for daily activity. The majority of patients experience little or no hunger.

Patients who complete the treatment find that the weight they loose routinely stays off indefinitely. This means an end to unhealthy yo-yo dieting and perpetual frustration with food cravings.

The nature of our hCG treatment also results in patients reaching their optimal body composition and dropping unsightly fat stores over very short treatment periods. Achieving similar results with only exercise and dieting could take many months or even years.

Contact us for more information and to see if this program is suitable for you. It has dramatically changed many peoples lives for the better.

Complete treatments including medication and regular doctor visits can range from $400 to $975 depending on the duration of treatment and other health issues addressed concurrently.

Holistic Health Services Sections

"In less than a month, and without the risk and side-effects of fad diets and supplements, Dr. Blackman helped me reduce my body fat by 10%, regain my athletic figure, eliminate food cravings, and address a litany of chronic conditions that were affecting me. It’s been 8 months since my hCG treatment and the resulting metabolic restoration has allowed me to keep the weight off."